
Or maybe something so that it triggers when scared but then it has one or two levels of Duration, so that you can leave it again? I'm not sure where you're going with this so I don't know how I'd do that bit precisely. Generally, I'd go about this by taking all the abilities that you want your Hulk to have (Hyperbody with boosters for strength up the wazoo and in Hard Dice because you can only HULK SMASH instead of giving measured and precise actions, Hard and probably also Light Armor, probably hardened on both ends, Size modification (possibly permanent?) for both more damage and just being bigger and more wound boxes with engulf because you become tougher and bigger, all those would probably a good start? They're all in the miracle cafeteria, if I remember correctly, so there's barely any need to invent stuff from scratch here.) and attach them to an Alternate Form ability that has, say, two Hard Dice? Maybe more or maybe with a couple of Go First, just in case someone tries to knock you out? I'd then put an if/then on the Alternate Form that it only works if you're scared and make it Permanent (or was it Always On? One of these.) so that it automatically activates once you're scared. Could you tell a little more about what you imagine the character to be like? Because there's several aspects of the Hulk character you might be talking about.